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The Wild Beyond Control

2024 Dec 31

As someone who wants to learn about wildlife and biodiversity , I’ve often found myself pondering the delicate relationship between humans and the natural world. The jungle, the rivers, the mountains – they are not ours to control. They exist with a rhythm, a wisdom, far beyond the grasp of human intellect. Yet, we keep trying to bend them to our will, often with devastating consequences.

I have been observing animals since my childhood; Black Buffaloes, White goats, Mongrel dogs, Holy cows or One Horned Rhinos, Deers, Boars, Elephant or Bengal Tiger. I have come to a conclusion that Nature doesnt care for us. It is not cruel nor it is kind, It is a mother, It is a hunter; it simply is. The tiger doesnt roar to be heard by humans, nor does the river flow for our thirst. They move, exist and thrive on their own terms.

We often call ourselves the guardian of planet, but are we?

Conservation isnt about control; its about surrendering. I mean to say its about understanding the forest doesn't need us to survive. The forest was there before we were born and the forest will be there after we are dead. I think we are just bunch of fleas on a dog skin who are assuming the dog belong to us. The forest has withstood epochs, far greater challenges than our breif industrialized age. Every time we speak about conflict like Human-Tiger Conflict or any wildlife conflict we fail to see the real invader in the equation of our problem.
During my work, I witnessed this firsthand that Urbanization has pushed the wild animals out of their natural habitats, creating friction between them and humans.
I have often asked myself: what happens when the roar of tiger or the howl of civet disappears? These are not just sound. They are indicators of a system health, echoes of an ancient balance we are dismantling piece by piece. A single predator removed, a single tree cut and the entire system shifts. Yet with our arrogance, we believe we can rebuild what we have destroyed. The truth is, ecosystem are not machines; they are masterpieces. They are not meant to be fixed but preserved. 

Its not about conquering the wild but becoming a part of it.

The wild doesn't care about our deadlines or ambitions, It simply exists, eternal and unyielding.
True conservation is not holding the wild in our hands but letting it go. It's not about building sanctuaries, national parks or conservation area; it's about ensuring the wild doesn't need them. The wild thrives not when we manage, but when we leave it alone.
To walk in the jungle is to confront the truth of who we are: not rulers, not saviors, just another fleeting species. If there is one lesson I have learned, it's that conservation is not about saving the planet. It's about saving ourselves from ourselves. The earth doesn't need us. But we need the Earth and perhaps, if we start there, we might just find our way back to harmony.

"I dream of world where the forests are not fragments, where the rivers flow freely, and where humans understand their place as simple threads in the web of life."

The land does not care for us, nor our struggles. It stands, relentless, indifferent to the chaos we create.

Thank you.
Happy Reading.

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